March 27
Archbishop Joseph Rummel ends segregation in the Catholic school system in 1962

Rummel formally announced the end of segregation in the New Orleans parochial school system on March 27, 1962. The 1962–1963 school year would be the first integrated school year in the history of the archdiocese.[
March 28
First seaplane takes off in 1910

French inventor Henri Fabre’s sea plane was the first to take off from water under its own power. The flight didn’t last that long- only 457 meters, but it was a pioneering moment in aviation all the same.
March 29
Terracotta army is discovered underground by farmers in 1974

The Terracotta army may be one of the most amazing discoveries of recent times. In 1974 farmers drilling a well near Xi’an, China discovered a subterranean chamber. In this chamber lay the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, with 8,000 lifesize soldiers and horses made from terracotta
March 30
Celine Dion is born in 1968

Celion Dion was born on March 30 1968. Celine was the youngest of 14 children- and grew up in Charlemagne, Canada. She grew up speaking only French, and only learned English as a way to transition into English-speaking music. Dion has since gone on to sell over 200 million records around the world.
March 31
The Eiffel tower opens in 1889

The Eiffel Tower is an iconic symbol of Paris and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. It took two years, two months, and five days to build and was opened to the public on March 31, 1889. It was named after the French engineer Gustave Eiffel whose company designed and built the tower for the 1889 World’s Fair. The tower is made mainly of iron and standing at a height of 324 meters (1,063 feet), was a groundbreaking feat of engineering at the time of its construction.
April 1
The Netherlands becomes the first country to allow same-sex marriage in 2001

22 years ago on April 1 2001 the world’s first same-sex marriages took place. Four couples took their vows as the clock hit midnight in Amsterdam’s city hall.